Tuesday, February 21, 2006

MOE 2006

Hello to all the Meats of Evil sorry for the long delay in posting I have just been very busy lately.I have noticed lately alot of you are asking me what we do now that most of us are 60 or very close to it.My hope is to hit some of the higher end dungeons but to do this we need either more people or more diverse classes in the guild.Most everyone has said they do not want to add alot of new people to the guild,So the only other option I see is Alts which is why some of you may have been seeing alot more of Hunk,Wabbit,Vero and Block.That being said we are still going to need about 20-30 people in the guild to be able to do what we need to do,but we do not want just anyone invited so from here on out any NEW non-alt members must be cleared with guild officers before given invites.On happier note Grats to Aro and Kak on 59 and Nu on 58 I belive they should all be able to hit 60 within the week giving us 8 people now to hit the 60 mark,I feel a guild WSG is coming very soon WATCH OUT ALLIANCE! I am also considering starting us up a Team Speak server as this makes high end raiding and BGing much easier.Anyways I am most proud of everyone keep up the good work Viva la Meats of Evil!


Nuance said...

We have officers now?

Meats of EVIL said...

Yes the Pork wrangler is an officer position.